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BGR AfterSchool Program


Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu Grades: 3rd to 12th


BGR After School is an after-school program dedicated to providing tutoring in math and English for students from K4 to 12th grade. We are seeking passionate and committed individuals who are dedicated to the educational success of young people. If you have a heart for helping students achieve their academic potential, we would love to hear from you.

In-Person Instruction


The fee is $35.00 per registration


We will meet from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM every Mon, Tue, Wed, & Thu starting on 9/16/2024


Nicke Haney
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Requires Parental Consent


778 John B White Sr Blvd Spartanburg, South Carolina 29306 US

Volunteers and students should enter through the back door of Silver Hill Methodist Church. Once inside, proceed up the steps and enter through the first door you encounter.