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Common Ground

856 students served 836 followers

Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri Ages: 16 to 25


In order to apply for this worksite, please complete the pre-screen linked below:


Common Ground Coffee Roasters offers a vibrant and culturally enriching experience. From crafting delicious espresso drinks to serving snacks and sandwiches, it involves immersing oneself in the rich flavors and hospitality of the coffee culture. Employees engage with customers from all walks of life, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. It's an opportunity to learn about coffee craftsmanship, explore new flavors, and be a part of a close-knit community centered around the love of coffee.

Position - Customer Service Intern


has to be able to fluently communicate with customers to take orders and deliver meals to them. They must assist in restocking items that go in our stores’ fridges and counters. Must be able to answer phone calls to take orders. We will train applicants in how to make Common Ground’s custom beverages. Applicants need to help in cleaning the workstations, tables, storage space, and take out the trash and recyclables. They must be able to use our point-of-sale system.


16 years old or older

In-Person Instruction

Cost - Free


Starts: Monday, July 1, 2024
Ends: Friday, August 30, 2024

We will meet from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM every Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, & Fri starting on 7/1/2024 and ending on 8/30/2024

We will not meet on the following dates: 7/4/2024


Natalie Truong
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Requires Parental Consent
All times are in Eastern - EST


1760 Revere Beach Pkwy Everett, Massachusetts 02149 US

two locations right on Route 16 across the street from each other. If selected, Common Ground staff will inform proper store to report too