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Wells Coffee

856 students served 836 followers

Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri Ages: 15 to 25


In order to apply for this worksite, please complete the pre-screen linked below:

Employee Job Description & Responsibilities

 Employees receive training in a variety of areas including customer service, register transactions, drink making, health and safety, and other routine processes as part of their service.

Duties and Responsibilities

 constantly, setup; cheerfully greet, serve and interact with customers and staff; troubleshoot situations that may arise and inform supervisors; carefully process cash/credit transactions once trained; properly mark cups and communicate orders; fill pastry orders; measure and grind coffee beans; brew, pour and serve coffee and tea; follow recipes for iced and frozen beverages; make hot drinks on espresso bar once trained; clean constantly; help with closing procedures: restock products using FIFO method; wash dishes, clean bathrooms, wipe surfaces, clean equipment, trash removal, sweep and mop, reconcile cash drawer once trained; maintain health and safety standards; encourage one another and make a positive impact with a serving attitude. 


 Employees are expected to follow rules of conduct that will protect the interest, safety and reputation of all volunteers, staff, and customers. We are non-discriminating and want to serve everyone with care and respect. Employees that do not represent the Well Coffee House and its stated mission and community outreach programs appropriately will be removed from the staff. This includes posting on social media. Please be sure content is professional, courteous, and respectful of the views of others. Do not post any content that could be construed as discriminating, harassing, or inappropriate that would damage the reputation or public image of The Well Coffee House or any of the staff members or customers.

Work Attire

Pants, shorts, jeans or skirts are allowed. All tops must have sleeves (no tank tops). All clothing must cover the belly, back, breasts and butt. Please don't wear any political statements as we want to have a welcoming environment to all, preferably no logos. Sports teams, churches, schools or clubs are ok. No shredded or large holes in jeans. Shoes must be closed toe (no sandals). 

Smoking and Vaping

 All Well Coffee House locations are non- smoking environments in the interest of providing a safe and healthy environment. As such, smoking of any kind or vaping is prohibited. Outdoor smoking should be away from the proximity of the entrance to any Well Coffee House and may take place only during scheduled break times. The Well Coffee House provides a drug-free, healthy, and safe environment. While on Well Coffee House premises and/or while conducting Well Coffee House related activities offsite, an employee may not use, possess, distribute, sell or be under the influence of alcohol, marijuana or illegal drugs. The use of legal and/or prescribed drugs is permitted during service time only if it does not impair the employee’s ability to perform essential functions effectively and in a safe manner. Employees must advise the site manager of anyone or anything that could adversely affect safety and/or performance of assigned duties.

 Cell Phones 

During your shift please Do NOT use your phone or play music or videos from your phone.

 Are you “Well” suited for the job? Besides being well behaved, well dressed and well prepared, we want to make sure you are well suited for your experience with us. The following is a list of recommendations that will help us carry out our mission to love and serve the community. They are not requirements but character qualities we are looking for. Enthusiastic, Hard Working, Cooperative, Punctual, Friendly, Community Serving, Willing to Learn & Improve, Rule Follower 

In-Person Instruction

Cost - Free


Starts: Monday, July 1, 2024
Ends: Friday, August 30, 2024

We will meet from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM every Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, & Fri starting on 7/1/2024 and ending on 8/30/2024

We will not meet on the following dates: 7/4/2024


Natalie Truong
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Requires Parental Consent
All times are in Eastern - EST


484 Broadway Everett, Massachusetts 02149 US