Art Club

179 students served

Tue Grades: 4th to 6th


Join Ms. Shoot for Art Club! The Art Club's focus is on honing artistic skills and participating in district art competitions, as well as enhancing the artistic atmosphere around the school building. Students collaborate on projects that beautify and personalize our school environment. The club aims to infuse creativity into every corner, fostering a sense of pride and inspiration within the school community.. Members explore diverse mediums, techniques, and styles while creating art for the school building as well as IPS art contests.

Behavior Policy:

Ensuring a respectful and enjoyable club experience is essential for all participants. Our policy dictates that a student will receive one written warning from the club coordinator for improper behavior, that will be communicated to their parent. Upon a second incident, they may be exited from the club. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a conducive and positive environment.

Late Pick-Up Policy:

  1. Club End Time: All clubs conclude promptly at 5:15 PM.
  2. Pick-Up Time: Parents are required to pick up their children by 5:20 PM.
  3. Warning: If a child is picked up after 5:25 PM, the parent will receive a written warning on the first occurrence.
  4. Second Occurrence: In the event of a second late pick-up, the child may be exited from the club.

In-Person Instruction

Cost - Free


Starts: Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Ends: Tuesday, March 12, 2024

We will meet from 4:15 PM to 5:15 PM every Tue starting on 1/16/2024 and ending on 3/12/2024


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Requires Parental Consent
All times are in Eastern - EST


Clarence L Farrington School 61 4326 Patricia St Indianapolis, Indiana 46222 US

Art Room