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Heart of Harvest 2024


Sat Ages: 0 to 100


For Oak Cliff is blessing over 40 families with a farm-to-table brunch experience, groceries for the holiday season, and access to health vendors and kid's activities. 

The Superblock is located in a food desert with dire health outcomes related to our environment. To combat food insecurity and improve nutrition this holiday season, the Heart of Harvest event offers food access, builds and celebrates community, and allows volunteers to serve.

We will be joined by artist and performer, Dora Brought Plenty, an Indigenous artist, speaker, and educator based out of Dallas. She is originally from South Dakota and is enrolled with the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, Turtle Clan. Dora is also an Indian Boarding School Survivor. She will offer her art and storytelling to broaden our understanding of systems of oppression this holiday season and commit to solidarity with Native peoples, as our journeys toward liberation are connected.

In-Person Instruction

Cost - Free



Julianna Yeefoon
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Requires Parental Consent


907 E Ledbetter Dr Dallas, Texas 75216 US

Lunch served at 12pm noon in the gym.