Science Olympiad

2 students served 3 followers

Thu Grades: 6th to 9th


Science Olympiad is a math and science extracurricular activity where students choose events to compete in. Some of the events have the students building bridges, solving forensic crimes, cracking codes, or even building their own musical instruments! If you are interesting in science, technology, engineering, or math, definitely join Science Olympiad!

La Olimpiada de Ciencias es una actividad extracurricular de matemáticas y ciencias en la que los estudiantes eligen eventos para competir. ¡Algunos de los eventos tienen a los estudiantes construyendo puentes, resolviendo delitos forenses, descifrando códigos o incluso construyendo sus propios instrumentos musicales! Si te interesan las ciencias, la tecnología, la ingeniería o las matemáticas, ¡definitivamente únete a Science Olympiad!

In-Person Instruction

Cost - Free


Starts: Thursday, September 8, 2022
Ends: Thursday, March 9, 2023

We will meet from 2:30 PM to 6:00 PM every Thu starting on 9/8/2022 and ending on 3/9/2023


John Hesser
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Requires Parental Consent
All times are in Eastern - EST


1501 E 10th St Indianapolis, Indiana 46201 US

Room 148 and Room 145