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IPS 87 - Advanced Karate, 2024 Spring Semester

1.3k students served

Wed Grades: Kindergarten to 12th


The Program: Students begin as white belts and progress through the belt ranks. Continuing students will work on their rank material for their next belt.

The Benefits: Self-control, coordination, self-defense, goal setting, cooperation, decision-making skills, flexibility, core-strength, and it’s FUN!

Note: You are submitting an APPLICATION to be accepted in the program. A seat in the program will be offered by receiving an INVOICE, and REGISTRATION will be complete upon receipt of payment.

If you do not receive an e-mail confirming your application, PLEASE check your junk or spam folder to be sure you are receiving e-mail from <>. This will be my primary means of communication with you!

In-Person Instruction


  • 1 payment of $151.99 , or
  • 4 payments of $38.00 every month starting today


Starts: Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Ends: Wednesday, May 15, 2024

We will meet from 3:50 PM to 4:45 PM every Wed starting on 1/10/2024 and ending on 5/15/2024


Vince Hernly
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Requires Parental Consent
All times are in Eastern - EST


IPS George Washington Carver Montessori No.87 2411 Indianapolis Ave Indianapolis, Indiana 46208 US

Students will meet in the gym after dismissal. When class is over, parents can pick-up at the gym door near the parking lot. Students enrolled in the Y aftercare will be escorted to the cafeteria. Parents are welcome to watch or even join the program for FREE with your paid student.