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Beginner Irish Dance Ages 5 - 8


Tue Ages: 5 to 8


In a new beginner class, students will work on coordination and establish familiarity with the lively rhythms of the Irish music while learning the fundamentals of foot placement, body alignment and basic steps. We will concentrate on the soft shoe dances called the Beginner Reel, Light Jigs, and Slip Jigs. No previous dance experience required. Dancers can sign up for performances and competitions once they are ready, if they choose.

In-Person Instruction


The fee is $30.00 per registration


We will meet from 4:30 PM to 5:00 PM every Tue starting on 9/12/2023


Shelagh McGovern
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Requires Parental Consent


818 Linden Ave Dayton, Ohio 45410 US

Our studio is located at

818 Linden Ave

Dayton OH 45410

Parking is in the rear