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Pinal RAZE Leaders Interest Form


Grades: 9th to 12th


Pinal County

RAZE Leaders is a fellowship that employs Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) to equip high school students from rural areas across Arizona with the skills and tools to initiate meaningful change in their local communities. Through a structured curriculum, participants will progress through the process of identifying issues, conducting research, formulating action plans, and building relationships with stakeholders.

Our purpose is to empower young leaders with the knowledge and abilities to effect change in their communities through YPAR.

Our goal is to develop critical thinking, research, and advocacy skills among participants. Enable students to identify, analyze, and address community concerns, fostering a sense of agency and civic engagement.

**When a session starts in your region, we will promptly contact you to facilitate your enrollment.**

Stay informed by following our social media accounts at @ruralazengage.

Cost - Free


Tara Brunson
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