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Eco-Warriors Youth Council

Virtual Options

Sun,Tue Ages: 10 to 25


Eco Worrier Youth Council Webinar: Enhance their communication abilities, gain confidence in public speaking through interactive discussions about how to protect the environment with real-world examples from Florida, participants will become more aware of government policies and how they can advocate for positive change. and understand the importance of sharing their message.

While this webinar is optional, it is a required prerequisite for students interested in joining future Eco Warrior programs


nov 10th 3pm-4pm virtual 

  • Talk about advocacy
  • Translating passion to the work
  • What it takes to make change
  • Racial disparities in the environment and access to green/blue spaces and green/blue ways
  • Community responses to environmental racism 
  • Community-led plans, projects, and spaces
  • People need to feel connected

nov 17th 3pm -5pm in-person

Meet at Belmont Beach for a hike and view of the water & Emrichsville Dam

Location : Belmont Beach, 1300 N White River Pkwy Dr W, Indianapolis, IN 46202 

  • Discuss community history, advocacy, and the future of the spa

Eco Warier youth council presents Dungeons and Democracy : A tabletop role-playing style game (like Dungeons and Dragons) to explore voting laws in Indiana.

The kids would be assigned pre-generated characters and be given simplified versions of the states' voting requirements. They would walk through three steps to casting a vote.

Oct 06th : In - person (Wheeler Dowe Boys and Girls club)

oct 15th : Virtual webinar link:

Virtual Instruction

Cost - Free


Date Day From To
12/22/24 Sun 3:00 PM 4:00 PM


Ruchitha GK
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