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Culinary Explorations Ages 10+


Tue Ages: 10 to 16


Culinary Explorations with Chef Kaci


Experience a Fun and engaging atmosphere learning new cooking skills!  


Scratch Cooking and Baking are skills that challenge kids' creative abilities and teaches them time management, problem solving and encourages individuality. With the right people guiding them the possibilities are endless! That's the beauty of the culinary world and what drives me to teach. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others, helping them find joy in the creative challenges of cooking! Mistakes and messes. Laughter and connection. Finding our potential and hidden talents. Food is our common ground.


Students will learn: Knife safety, cutting techniques, binding ingredients, balanced diet, eating the rainbow, how to operate basic kitchen tools and equipment, and more.


Let's have some fun!

In-Person Instruction


The fee is $175.00 per registration


Starts: Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Ends: Friday, April 25, 2025

We will meet from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM every Tue starting on 9/10/2024 and ending on 4/25/2025


Hannea Cox
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37223 High Vista Dr Murrieta, California 92563 US