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REACH for Nature After-School Program

59 students served

Grades: 4th to 6th


Does your child enjoy exploring the great outdoors? At our REACH for Nature After-School, we talk about interesting topics in nature, such as why the hippo and the oxpecker bird are such great friends and how we can keep our world healthy and strong. And because we love hands-on learning, we get a lot of time to play games and explore outside! We meet on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays at Thomas Gregg from 3-5pm. We also take a Saturday Field Trip once or twice a month to a state or local park. Our mission is for your child grow socially and emotionally as they connect with one another in nature!

In-Person Instruction

Cost - Free


Maggie Barnes
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Requires Parental Consent
All times are in Eastern - EST


Thomas Gregg Neighborhood School IPS #15 2302 E Michigan St Indianapolis, Indiana 46201 US