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Electronic Music for Movies 🎹🎧

Virtual Options

Tue,Wed,Thu • Ages: 12 to 18


Learn how to make electronic music for a movie soundtrack. We will supply you with a number of short animated movies to choose from so you can write music and add sound effects.


  • Computer, Tablet, or SmartPhone
  • Internet Access
  • Access to a suggested App to use for your computer, tablet, or phone
  • Garage Band is recommended for Mac Users
  • Logic for PC

TO SIGN UP, Choose a Pack Coupon and choose this activity when prompted

Virtual Instruction


The fee is $100.00 per registration


We will meet from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM every Tue, Wed, & Thu starting on 2/14/2023


Tink Tank Team
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Requires Parental Consent
All times are in Eastern - EST