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ImPowered Minds: Financial Literacy

71 students served

Ages: 12 to 17


Join us at ImPowered Minds for our Financial Literacy activity to empower your children with the knowledge and skills they need to become financially responsible adults.

ImPowered Minds: Financial Literacy is designed to help you teach your children simple financial strategies now so they’ll be better equipped to deal with money matters on their own later. You have the power right now to help your children avoid common money mistakes by helping them grow up “money smart!”

Helping your kids become money-savvy doesn’t have to be complicated. All you need to do is start the conversation and keep it going as you use money to deal with your everyday life. When you’re at the grocery store or department store, explain the difference between “wants” and “needs” as you shop. When you’re paying for something with a credit or debit card, talk about the differences between the two methods and how to use each responsibly.


Jasen Glanton
813 906-0561
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